
About us

Distinction Hockey Management

DISTINCTION HOCKEY MANAGEMENT AGENCY IN COLLABORATION WITH UNLIMITED SPORTS MANAGEMENT, is committed to giving back to the athletes the pledge of SUCCESS as well as highlighting the work ethic to stand out from the others and achieve the objectives. For us the focus and power of relationships is our priority with all. (TEAM, PARENTS, CLIENTS AND BUSINESS PARTNERS)

Contract Negotiation

Whether at the Professional or Amateur level, we make sure that the contracts are legal and that the athletes are protected. It is our duty to make sure that the agreement with the different teams works well.
© Can Stock Photo / tomwang


Whether at the Professional or Amateur level, we make sure that the contracts are legal and that the athletes are protected. It is our duty to make sure that the agreement with the different teams works well.


Mathieu Lacharité

Mathieu Lacharité

For me, the success of an athlete depends on perseverance and work ethic. In all my relationships, I use this with precision so that I can make a difference and build success there.

Brian Lacharité

Brian Lacharité

As a goaltending consultant, I am someone who maximizes my strengths to the maximum in order to help my goalkeepers achieve the expected success. It is thanks to listening, patience and attention to detail that make me a person dedicated to all possible accomplishments.



Many athletes aim to higher levels of performance under the guidance of their professional coaches. They thrive to develop their techniques, build stronger physiques, but sas I came to notice, one element is too often left aside in their development: the mindset.

Consequently these high potential athletes end up playing small and even come to abandon their dreams. I believe there is indeed too much of that lost potential. I also believe that by understanding the proper tools, one could learn to develop an unshakable mindset.

I’m am pleased that the agency has referred to me many hockey players which has allowed me to walk them through the highest performing mindset.

Lyne Larocque

Lyne Larocque

Helping others is my passion! It is a miracle to observe the light appears in the eyes of those I guide. To see them breaking free from their chains! They discover their power,  activate the strength to push their limits,  destroy their self-destruction and blockages.

Iryna Berezhna

Iryna Berezhna

Iryna has always been there for us when we needed a content creator, a content editor or a communication specialist. She demonstrates timely delivery and high standards of customer service. In the fast-paced world of social media, our audience is of primary importance to us and we trust Iryna with being the link between the business and the followers.